Xavier Goula Suriñach
Xavier Goula Suriñach
Sismologo en el IGC
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Seismic hazard and risk scenarios for Barcelona, Spain, using the Risk-UE vulnerability index method
N Lantada, J Irizarry, AH Barbat, X Goula, A Roca, T Susagna, ...
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 8, 201-229, 2010
Present and recent stress regime in the eastern part of the Pyrenees
X Goula, C Olivera, J Fleta, B Grellet, R Lindo, LA Rivera, A Cisternas, ...
Tectonophysics 308 (4), 487-502, 1999
A simplified method for vulnerability assessment of dwelling buildings and estimation of damage scenarios in Catalonia, Spain
A Roca, X Goula, T Susagna, J Chávez, M González, E Reinoso
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 4, 141-158, 2006
Assessing and managing earthquake risk
CS Oliveira, A Roca, X Goula
Geo-Scientific and Engineering Knowledge for Earthquake Risk Mitigation …, 2006
A comparative study of European earthquake loss estimation tools for a scenario in Istanbul
FO Strasser, JJ Bommer, K Şeşetyan, M Erdik, Z Çağnan, J Irizarry, ...
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 12 (S2), 246-256, 2008
Seismic hazard zonation of Catalonia, Spain, integrating random uncertainties
R Secanell, X Goula, T Susagna, J Fleta, A Roca
Journal of Seismology 8, 25-40, 2004
Seismic zonation of Barcelona based on numerical simulation of site effects
J Cid, T Susagna, X Goula, L Chavarria, S Figueras, J Fleta, A Casas, ...
Earthquake Microzoning, 2559-2577, 2002
Preliminary map of soil’s predominant periods in Barcelona using microtremors
A Alfaro, LG Pujades, X Goula, T Susagna, M Navarro, J Sanchez, ...
Earthquake Microzoning, 2499-2511, 2002
Ground-shaking scenarios and urban risk evaluation of Barcelona using the Risk-UE capacity spectrum based method
J Irizarry, N Lantada, LG Pujades, AH Barbat, X Goula, T Susagna, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 9, 441-466, 2011
Présence de failles inverses d'âge quaternaire dans l'est des Pyrénées: implications sismotectoniques
H Philip, JC Bousquet, J Escuer, J Fleta, X Goula, B Grellet
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2, Mécanique, Physique …, 1992
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of the Pyrenean region
R Secanell, D Bertil, C Martin, X Goula, T Susagna, M Tapia, P Dominique, ...
Journal of seismology 12, 323-341, 2008
Quantification of vertical movements in the eastern Betics (Spain) by comparing levelling data
J Giménez, E Suriñach, X Goula
Tectonophysics 317 (3-4), 237-258, 2000
Seismicity of the Valencia trough and surrounding areas
C Olivera, T Susagna, A Roca, X Goula
Tectonophysics 203 (1-4), 99-109, 1992
Analysis of macroseismic and instrumental data for the study of the 19 November 1923 earthquake in the Aran Valley (Central Pyrenees)
T Susagna, A Roca, X Goula1, J Batlló
Natural Hazards 10, 7-17, 1994
DInSAR Coseismic Deformation of the May 2011 Mw 5.1 Lorca Earthquake (southeastern Spain)
T Frontera, A Concha, P Blanco, A Echeverria, X Goula, R Arbiol, ...
Solid Earth 3 (1), 111-119, 2012
From ambient noise recordings to site effect assessment: The case study of Barcelona microzonation
H Cadet, A Macau, B Benjumea, F Bellmunt, S Figueras
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 (3), 271-281, 2011
Recent vertical movements from high-precision leveling data in northeast Spain
J Giménez, E Suriñach, J Fleta, X Goula
Tectonophysics 263 (1-4), 149-161, 1996
Catàleg de sismicitat, Atles sísmic de Catalunya
T Susagna, X Goula
Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, 1999
Preliminary geologic, geomorphologic and geophysical studies for the paleoseismological analysis of the Amer fault (NE Spain)
J Fleta, P Santanach, X Goula, P Martinez, B Grellet, E Masana
Geologie En Mijnbouw 80 (3/4), 243-254, 2001
The Provence earthquake of 11th June 1909 (France). A new assessment of near field effects
A Levret, C Loup, X Goula
Modern Approaches in Geophysics, 383-399, 1988
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Articles 1–20