Andrew DeMott
Andrew DeMott
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Integrating technology into standard weight loss treatment: a randomized controlled trial
B Spring, JM Duncan, EA Janke, AT Kozak, HG McFadden, A DeMott, ...
JAMA internal medicine 173 (2), 105-111, 2013
Multiple behavior changes in diet and activity: a randomized controlled trial using mobile technology
B Spring, K Schneider, HG McFadden, J Vaughn, AT Kozak, M Smith, ...
Archives of internal medicine 172 (10), 789-796, 2012
Past major depression and smoking cessation outcome: a systematic review and meta‐analysis update
B Hitsman, GD Papandonatos, DE McChargue, A DeMott, MJ Herrera, ...
Addiction 108 (2), 294-306, 2013
Technology interventions to curb obesity: a systematic review of the current literature
MJ Coons, A DeMott, J Buscemi, JM Duncan, CA Pellegrini, J Steglitz, ...
Current cardiovascular risk reports 6, 120-134, 2012
A smartphone-supported weight loss program: design of the ENGAGED randomized controlled trial
CA Pellegrini, JM Duncan, AC Moller, J Buscemi, A Sularz, A DeMott, ...
BMC public health 12, 1-10, 2012
Make Better Choices (MBC): study design of a randomized controlled trial testing optimal technology-supported change in multiple diet and physical activity risk behaviors
B Spring, K Schneider, HG McFadden, J Vaughn, AT Kozak, M Smith, ...
BMC public health 10, 1-11, 2010
PDA+: a personal digital assistant for obesity treatment-an RCT testing the use of technology to enhance weight loss treatment for veterans
JM Duncan, EA Janke, AT Kozak, M Roehrig, SW Russell, HG McFadden, ...
BMC Public Health 11, 1-10, 2011
Mechanisms of change in diet and activity in the Make Better Choices 1 trial.
KL Schneider, MJ Coons, H McFadden, CA Pellegrini, A DeMott, ...
Health Psychology 35 (7), 723, 2016
Fit & strong! plus trial outcomes for obese older adults with osteoarthritis
SL Hughes, L Tussing-Humphreys, L Schiffer, R Smith-Ray, DX Marquez, ...
The gerontologist 60 (3), 558-570, 2020
Integrating technology into standard weight loss treatment: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Jan 28; 173 (2): 105–11. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed. 2013.1221
B Spring, JM Duncan, EA Janke, AT Kozak, HG McFadden, A DeMott, ...
Impact of physical activity and weight loss on fat mass, glucose metabolism, and inflammation in older African Americans with osteoarthritis
A McLeod, L Schiffer, K Castellanos, A DeMott, S Olender, M Fitzgibbon, ...
Nutrients 12 (11), 3299, 2020
Fit and Strong! Plus: Twelve and eighteen month follow-up results for a comparative effectiveness trial among overweight/obese older adults with osteoarthritis
ML Fitzgibbon, L Tussing-Humphreys, L Schiffer, R Smith-Ray, ...
Preventive medicine 141, 106267, 2020
Diet quality and nutrient intake of urban overweight and obese primarily African American older adults with osteoarthritis
S Vergis, L Schiffer, T White, A McLeod, N Khudeira, A Demott, ...
Nutrients 10 (4), 485, 2018
COVID-19 cases and deaths in skilled nursing facilities in Cook County, Illinois
SJ Kim, M Hollender, A DeMott, H Oh, I Bhatia, Y Eisenberg, M Gelder, ...
Public Health Reports 137 (3), 564-572, 2022
Fit & strong! Plus: Descriptive demographic and risk characteristics in a comparative effectiveness trial for older African-American adults with osteoarthritis
ML Fitzgibbon, L Tussing-Humphreys, L Schiffer, R Smith-Ray, AD Demott, ...
The journal of aging research & clinical practice 7 (1), 9, 2018
Association of diet quality and physical function among overweight and obese primarily African American older adults with lower extremity osteoarthritis
T Schering, L Schiffer, A McLeod, A DeMott, S Hughes, ML Fitzgibbon, ...
Nutrition and Healthy Aging 6 (1), 61-71, 2021
Rehabilitating Older Adults, Physically and Socially, with an Evidence-based Exercise and Health Education Program
S Hughes, A DeMott, G Huber
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 101 (11), e8, 2020
A mixed-methods evaluation of a 20-year Senior Mentor Program for medical students
A DeMott, S Hughes, L Spencer-Brown
Innovation in Aging 3 (S1), 2019
Research to practice translation
B Spring, A Pictor, A Demott, M Ferguson, AC Moller
Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine, 2012
S Hughes, A DeMott, J Bobitt
Innovation in Aging 7 (Suppl 1), 884, 2023
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Articles 1–20