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Corrosive and mechanical degradation of pipelines in acid soils
LY Poberezhnyi, PO Marushchak, AP Sorochak, D Draganovska, ...
Strength of Materials 49, 539-549, 2017
Impact of long-term operation on the reliability and durability of transit gas pipelines
O Igor, P Lyubomyr, Z Vasyl, H Andrii, P Liubov, S Andrij, K Viktoria, R Ihor
Strojnícky časopis-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 70 (1), 115-126, 2020
Corrosion of drill pipes in high mineralized produced waters
I Chudyk, L Poberezhny, A Hrysanchuk, L Poberezhna
Procedia Structural Integrity 16, 260-264, 2019
Assessment of the influence of corrosive aggressive cargo transportation on vehicle reliability
P Popovych, O Shevchuk, V Dzyura, L Poberezhna, V Dozorskyy, ...
International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 38, 17-25, 2018
Minimizing losses during natural gas transportation
L Poberezhny, A Hrytsanchuk, I Okipnyi, L Poberezhna, A Stanetsky, ...
Strojnícky časopis-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69 (1), 97-108, 2019
Influence of hydrate formation and wall shear stress on the corrosion rate of industrial pipeline materials
L Poberezhny, A Hrytsanchuk, G Hrytsuliak, L Poberezhna, M Kosmii
KOM–Corrosion and Material Protection Journal 62 (4), 121-128, 2018
Impact of gas hydrates and long-term operation on fatigue characteristics of pipeline steels
L Poberezhny, P Maruschak, A Hrytsanchuk, L Poberezhna, ...
Procedia Engineering 187, 356-362, 2017
Corrosion-fatigue failure of tractor trailers metal materials in aggressive environments
P Popovych, L Poberezhny, O Shevchuk, I Murovanyi, L Poberezhna, ...
KOM–Corrosion and Material Protection Journal 64 (2), 45-51, 2020
Підвищення рівня екологічної безпеки трубопровідних мереж нафтогазового комплексу України
ЛЯ Побережний, АВ Яворський, ВС Цих, АІ Станецький, АВ Грицанчук
Техногенно-екологічна безпека, 24–31-24–31, 2017
Numerical simulation of the stress state of an erosion-worn tee of the main gas pipeline
Y Doroshenko, V Zapukhliak, Y Grudz, L Poberezhny, A Hrytsanchuk, ...
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 101 (2), 2020
Corrosion-mechanical behavior of gas main steel in saline soils
L Poberezhny, A Stanetsky, G Grytsuliak, L Poberezhna, M Kosmii, ...
KOM–Corrosion and Material Protection Journal 63 (3), 105-112, 2019
Influence of the gas hydrates on the corrosion rate of gas gathering pipelines
L Poberezhny, A Hrysanchuk, H Grytsuliak
Procedia Structural Integrity 16, 141-147, 2019
Simulation of thermomechanical processes in disc brakes of wheeled vehicles
O Hrevtsev, N Selivanova, P Popovych, L Poberezhny, V Sakhno, ...
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 104 (1 …, 2021
Impact of AC current density on material corrosion of distribution pipelines
L Poberezhny, P Maruschak, A Hrytsanchuk, B Mischuk, D Draganovska, ...
KOM–Corrosion and Material Protection Journal 61 (5), 178-184, 2017
Calculation of the vehicles stress-deformed state while transporting the liquid cargo
O Grevtsev, N Selivanova, P Popovych, L Poberezhny, O Shevchuk, ...
Communications-scientific letters of the University of Zilina 23 (1), B58-B64, 2021
Influence of hydrate formation and concentration of salts on the corrosion of steel 20 pipelines
L Poberezhny, I Chudyk, A Hrytsanchuk, O Mandryk, T Kalyn, H Hrytsuliak, ...
Management Systems in Production Engineering 28 (3), 141-147, 2020
Evaluation of stress-strain state of vehicles’ metal structures elements
O Hrevtsev, N Selivanova, P Popovych, L Poberezhny, Y Rudyak, ...
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 113 (2), 77-85, 2022
Аналіз небезпек утворення гідратних корків у викидних лініях свердловин
АВ Грицанчук
Тези доповідей міжнародної наук.-практ. конф.«Екогеофорум».–Івано-Франківськ …, 2017
Вплив газогідратів на довговічність сталі трубопроводу
ЛЯ Побережний, АВ Грицанчук, ВВ Грицанчук
Науковий вісник НЛТУ України 25 (8), 226-231, 2015
Estimation of temporary decommissioning impact on reliability and durability of oil pipelines
L Poberezhny, R Martyniuk, A Stanetsky, L Poberezhna, O Tkach, ...
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 94 (1-2 …, 2019
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