Olivier Teytaud
Cited by
Cited by
Modification of UCT with Patterns in Monte-Carlo Go
S Gelly, Y Wang, R Munos, O Teytaud
INRIA, 2006
The grand challenge of computer Go: Monte Carlo tree search and extensions
S Gelly, L Kocsis, M Schoenauer, M Sebag, D Silver, C Szepesvári, ...
Communications of the ACM 55 (3), 106-113, 2012
Nevergrad-A gradient-free optimization platform
J Rapin, O Teytaud
Continuous upper confidence trees
A Couëtoux, JB Hoock, N Sokolovska, O Teytaud, N Bonnard
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 5th International Conference, LION 5 …, 2011
The computational intelligence of MoGo revealed in Taiwan's computer Go tournaments
CS Lee, MH Wang, G Chaslot, JB Hoock, A Rimmel, O Teytaud, SR Tsai, ...
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in games 1 (1), 73-89, 2009
Exploration vs exploitation vs safety: Risk-aware multi-armed bandits
N Galichet, M Sebag, O Teytaud
Asian conference on machine learning, 245-260, 2013
Multi-armed bandit, dynamic environments and meta-bandits
C Hartland, S Gelly, N Baskiotis, O Teytaud, M Sebag
Continuous lunches are free plus the design of optimal optimization algorithms
A Auger, O Teytaud
Algorithmica 57 (1), 121-146, 2010
Association rule interestingness: Measure and statistical validation
S Lallich, O Teytaud, E Prudhomme
Quality measures in data mining, 251-275, 2007
Évaluation et validation de l’intérêt des regles d’association
S Lallich, O Teytaud
Revue des nouvelles Technologies de l’Information 1 (2), 193-218, 2004
Current frontiers in computer Go
A Rimmel, O Teytaud, CS Lee, SJ Yen, MH Wang, SR Tsai
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 2 (4), 229-238, 2010
Continuous upper confidence trees with polynomial exploration–consistency
D Auger, A Couetoux, O Teytaud
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2013
Adding expert knowledge and exploration in Monte-Carlo Tree Search
G Chaslot, C Fiter, JB Hoock, A Rimmel, O Teytaud
Advances in Computer Games: 12th International Conference, ACG 2009 …, 2010
Compilergym: Robust, performant compiler optimization environments for ai research
C Cummins, B Wasti, J Guo, B Cui, J Ansel, S Gomez, S Jain, J Liu, ...
2022 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization …, 2022
Creating an upper-confidence-tree program for Havannah
F Teytaud, O Teytaud
Advances in Computer Games, 65-74, 2009
Optimal estimation for large-eddy simulation of turbulence and application to the analysis of subgrid models
A Moreau, O Teytaud, JP Bertoglio
Physics of fluids 18 (10), 2006
Change point detection and meta-bandits for online learning in dynamic environments
C Hartland, N Baskiotis, S Gelly, M Sebag, O Teytaud
CAp 2007: 9è Conférence francophone sur l'apprentissage automatique, 237-250, 2007
Adaptive estimation of normals and surface area for discrete 3-D objects: application to snow binary data from X-ray tomography
F Flin, JB Brzoska, D Coeurjolly, RA Pieritz, B Lesaffre, C Coléou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14 (5), 585-596, 2005
On the parallelization of Monte-Carlo planning
S Gelly, JB Hoock, A Rimmel, O Teytaud, Y Kalemkarian
ICINCO, 2008
General lower bounds for evolutionary algorithms
O Teytaud, S Gelly
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 21-31, 2006
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Articles 1–20