Madeline Sherlock
Madeline Sherlock
University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Campus
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Cited by
Riboswitch diversity and distribution
PJ McCown, KA Corbino, S Stav, ME Sherlock, RR Breaker
Rna 23 (7), 995-1011, 2017
Metabolism of free guanidine in bacteria is regulated by a widespread riboswitch class
JW Nelson, RM Atilho, ME Sherlock, RB Stockbridge, RR Breaker
Molecular cell 65 (2), 220-230, 2017
Detection of 224 candidate structured RNAs by comparative analysis of specific subsets of intergenic regions
Z Weinberg, CE Lünse, KA Corbino, TD Ames, JW Nelson, A Roth, ...
Nucleic acids research 45 (18), 10811-10823, 2017
Riboswitches for the alarmone ppGpp expand the collection of RNA-based signaling systems
ME Sherlock, N Sudarsan, RR Breaker
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (23), 6052-6057, 2018
Biochemical validation of a second guanidine riboswitch class in bacteria
ME Sherlock, SN Malkowski, RR Breaker
Biochemistry 56 (2), 352-358, 2017
Biochemical validation of a third guanidine riboswitch class in bacteria
ME Sherlock, RR Breaker
Biochemistry 56 (2), 359-363, 2017
Bioinformatic analysis of riboswitch structures uncovers variant classes with altered ligand specificity
Z Weinberg, JW Nelson, CE Lünse, ME Sherlock, RR Breaker
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (11), E2077-E2085, 2017
Tandem riboswitches form a natural Boolean logic gate to control purine metabolism in bacteria
ME Sherlock, N Sudarsan, S Stav, RR Breaker
Elife 7, e33908, 2018
Effect of loop sequence and loop length on the intrinsic fluorescence of G-quadruplexes
CK Kwok, ME Sherlock, PC Bevilacqua
Biochemistry 52 (18), 3019-3021, 2013
Challenges of ligand identification for the second wave of orphan riboswitch candidates
EB Greenlee, S Stav, RM Atilho, KI Brewer, KA Harris, SN Malkowski, ...
RNA biology 15 (3), 377-390, 2018
A hybridization-based approach for quantitative and low-bias single-stranded DNA ligation
CK Kwok, Y Ding, ME Sherlock, SM Assmann, PC Bevilacqua
Analytical biochemistry 435 (2), 181-186, 2013
Former orphan riboswitches reveal unexplored areas of bacterial metabolism, signaling, and gene control processes
ME Sherlock, RR Breaker
Rna 26 (6), 675-693, 2020
SAM-VI RNAs selectively bind S-adenosylmethionine and exhibit similarities to SAM-III riboswitches
G Mirihana Arachchilage, ME Sherlock, Z Weinberg, RR Breaker
RNA biology 15 (3), 371-378, 2018
A viral RNA hijacks host machinery using dynamic conformational changes of a tRNA-like structure
SL Bonilla, ME Sherlock, A MacFadden, JS Kieft
Science 374 (6570), 955-960, 2021
Variant bacterial riboswitches associated with nucleotide hydrolase genes sense nucleoside diphosphates
ME Sherlock, H Sadeeshkumar, RR Breaker
Biochemistry 58 (5), 401-410, 2018
The biology of free guanidine as revealed by riboswitches
RR Breaker, RM Atilho, SN Malkowski, JW Nelson, ME Sherlock
Biochemistry 56 (2), 345-347, 2017
Decrease in RNA folding cooperativity by deliberate population of intermediates in RNA G-quadruplexes.
CK Kwok, ME Sherlock, PC Bevilacqua
Angewandte Chemie 125 (2), 2013
Steady-state and time-resolved studies into the origin of the intrinsic fluorescence of G-quadruplexes
ME Sherlock, CA Rumble, CK Kwok, J Breffke, M Maroncelli, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (23), 5146-5158, 2016
Principles, mechanisms, and biological implications of translation termination–reinitiation
ME Sherlock, LB Galvis, Q Vicens, JS Kieft, S Jagannathan
RNA 29 (7), 865-884, 2023
Architectures and complex functions of tandem riboswitches
ME Sherlock, G Higgs, D Yu, DL Widner, NA White, N Sudarsan, ...
RNA biology 19 (1), 1059-1076, 2022
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Articles 1–20