Sultan Turkan
Cited by
Cited by
Proposing a knowledge base for teaching academic content to English language learners: Disciplinary linguistic knowledge
S Turkan, LC De Oliveira, O Lee, G Phelps
Teachers College Record 116 (3), 1-30, 2014
Integrating culture into EFL texts and classrooms: Suggested lesson plans
S Turkan, S Çelik
Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language) 1 (1), 2007
Including students with disabilities and English learners in measures of educator effectiveness
ND Jones, HM Buzick, S Turkan
Educational Researcher 42 (4), 234-241, 2013
Conceptualizing the use of translanguaging in initial content assessments for newly arrived emergent bilingual students
AA Lopez, S Turkan, D Guzman‐Orth
ETS Research Report Series 2017 (1), 1-12, 2017
Video modeling strategies to enhance appropriate behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders
DR Banda, RM Matuszny, S Turkan
Teaching Exceptional Children 39 (6), 47-52, 2007
Differential performance by English language learners on an inquiry-based science assessment
S Turkan, OL Liu
International Journal of Science Education 34 (15), 2343-2369, 2012
Complexities and issues to consider in the evaluation of content teachers of English language learners
S Turkan, HM Buzick
Urban Education 51 (2), 221-248, 2016
Assessing Multilingual Competence
AA Lopez, S Turkan, D Guzman-Orth
Encyclopedia of Language and Education: Language Testing and Assessment, 91-102, 2017
An exploration of preservice teachers’ reasoning about teaching mathematics to English language learners
S Turkan, EJ de Jong
Teacher Education Quarterly 45 (2), 37-60, 2018
That child is a yellow: New immigrant children's conceptions of English language, literacy, and learners' identities in the NCLB era
S Turkan, AC DaSilva Iddings
Theory into practice 51 (4), 273-280, 2012
Considerations for providing test translation accommodations to English language learners on common core standards‐based assessments
S Turkan, ME Oliveri
ETS Research Report Series 2014 (1), 1-13, 2014
Exploring the use of translanguaging to measure the mathematics knowledge of emergent bilingual students
AA Lopez, D Guzman-Orth, S Turkan
Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 5 (2), 143-164, 2019
Effective practices for developing the literacy skills of english language learners in the english language arts classroom
S Turkan, J Bicknell, A Croft
ETS Research Report Series 2012 (1), i-31, 2012
Teaching content to English learners in the era of the Common Core standards
S Turkan, M Schramm-Possinger
R & D Connections 23, 1-10, 2014
A study on the use of translanguaging to assess the content knowledge of emergent bilingual students
AA Lopez, D Guzman-Orth, S Turkan
Unpublished manuscript, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, USA, 2014
In-service teachers' reasoning about scenarios of teaching mathematics to english language learners
S Turkan
The Mathematics Enthusiast 13 (1), 130-148, 2016
Using pictorial glossaries as an accommodation for English learners: An exploratory study
S Turkan, A Lopez, R Lawless, F Tolentino
Educational Assessment 24 (3), 235-265, 2019
The Teacher Educators and Leaders as Agents of Change in a Teacher Education Activity System; the Reform-in-the-Making in Turkey.
S Türkan, G Grossman
International Online Journal of Educational Sciences 3 (1), 2011
Assessing quality in the teaching of content to English language learners
S Turkan, A Croft, J Bicknell, A Barnes
ETS Research Report Series 2012 (1), i-74, 2012
How might a translanguaging approach in assessment make tests more valid and fair for emergent bilinguals?
AA Lopez, D Guzman-Orth, S Turkan
The Common Core and English language learners/emergent bilinguals: A guide …, 2015
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Articles 1–20