Lisa McAndrew
Lisa McAndrew
Clinical Researcher Veterans Affairs New Jersey Healthcare System, Associate Professor The
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Using the common sense model to design interventions for the prevention and management of chronic illness threats: from description to process
LM McAndrew, TJ Musumeci‐Szabó, PA Mora, L Vileikyte, E Burns, ...
British journal of health psychology 13 (2), 195-204, 2008
Does patient blood glucose monitoring improve diabetes control?
L McAndrew, SH Schneider, E Burns, H Leventhal
The Diabetes Educator 33 (6), 991-1011, 2007
When, why and for whom there is a relationship between physical activity and menopause symptoms
LM McAndrew, MA Napolitano, A Albrecht, NC Farrell, BH Marcus, ...
Maturitas 64 (2), 119-125, 2009
Challenges to healthy eating for people with diabetes in a low-income, minority neighborhood
JY Breland, LM McAndrew, RL Gross, H Leventhal, CR Horowitz
Diabetes Care 36 (10), 2895-2901, 2013
Resilience during war: Better unit cohesion and reductions in avoidant coping are associated with better mental health function after combat deployment.
LM McAndrew, S Markowitz, SE Lu, A Borders, D Rothman, KS Quigley
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 9 (1), 52, 2017
Are Common Sense Model constructs and self-efficacy simultaneously correlated with self-management behaviors and health outcomes: A systematic review
JY Breland, JJ Wong, LM McAndrew
Health Psychology Open 7 (1), 2055102919898846, 2020
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans report symptoms consistent with chronic multisymptom illness one year after deployment
L McAndrew, D Helmer, LA Phillips, H Chandler, K Ray, K Quigley
Self-reported stressors of National Guard women veterans before and after deployment: The relevance of interpersonal relationships
GW Yan, L McAndrew, EA D’Andrea, G Lange, SL Santos, CC Engel, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 28, 549-555, 2013
Using the common-sense model to understand health outcomes for medically unexplained symptoms: a meta-analysis
LM McAndrew, M Crede, K Maestro, S Slotkin, J Kimber, LA Phillips
Health Psychology Review 13 (4), 427-446, 2019
Sleep problems may mediate associations between rumination and PTSD and depressive symptoms among OIF/OEF veterans.
A Borders, DJ Rothman, LM McAndrew
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 7 (1), 76, 2015
What pre-deployment and early post-deployment factors predict health function after combat deployment?: a prospective longitudinal study of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF …
LM McAndrew, E D’Andrea, SE Lu, B Abbi, GW Yan, C Engel, KS Quigley
Health and quality of life outcomes 11, 1-9, 2013
The common sense of counseling psychology: introducing the Common-Sense Model of self-regulation
LM McAndrew, JL Martin, ML Friedlander, K Shaffer, JY Breland, S Slotkin, ...
Counselling Psychology Quarterly 31 (4), 497-512, 2018
Rumination moderates the associations between PTSD and depressive symptoms and risky behaviors in US veterans
A Borders, LM McAndrew, KS Quigley, HK Chandler
Journal of Traumatic Stress 25 (5), 583-586, 2012
Using the common sense model of self-regulation to review the effects of self-monitoring of blood glucose on glycemic control for non–insulin-treated adults with type 2 diabetes
JY Breland, LM McAndrew, E Burns, EA Leventhal, H Leventhal
The Diabetes Educator 39 (4), 541-559, 2013
Mutual maintenance of PTSD and physical symptoms for Veterans returning from deployment
LM McAndrew, SE Lu, LA Phillips, K Maestro, KS Quigley
European journal of psychotraumatology 10 (1), 1608717, 2019
Cultural incongruity predicts adjustment to college for student veterans.
LM McAndrew, S Slotkin, J Kimber, K Maestro, LA Phillips, JL Martin, ...
Journal of counseling psychology 66 (6), 678, 2019
Environmental exposure and health of operation enduring freedom/operation iraqi freedom veterans
LM McAndrew, RF Teichman, OY Osinubi, JV Jasien, KS Quigley
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 54 (6), 665-669, 2012
Verbal Learning and Memory in Older Adults with Minor and Major Depression
RI Mesholam-Gately, AJ Giuliano, EA Zillmer, LP Barakat, A Kumar, ...
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 27 (2), 196-207, 2012
The impact of self-monitoring of blood glucose on a behavioral weight loss intervention for patients with type 2 diabetes
LM McAndrew, MA Napolitano, LM Pogach, KS Quigley, KL Shantz, ...
The Diabetes Educator 39 (3), 397-405, 2013
High healthcare utilization near the onset of medically unexplained symptoms
LM McAndrew, LA Phillips, DA Helmer, K Maestro, CC Engel, ...
Journal of psychosomatic research 98, 98-105, 2017
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Articles 1–20