Abhishek Sharma
Abhishek Sharma
Apple, Stanford University, Birla Institute of Technology
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Cited by
Moblp: A cc-based approach to vehicle license plate number segmentation from images acquired with a mobile phone camera
A Sharma, A Dharwadker, T Kasar
2010 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-4, 2010
Generation of possible switching patterns for VSI using micro-controller for the control of PMBLDC motor
R Keshri, M Bertoluzzo, A Sharma, PD Bhosale, P Thakura, G Buja
India International Conference on Power Electronics 2010 (IICPE2010), 1-6, 2011
A hierarchal approach to facial expression recognition using Active Appearance Models for service robots
A Sharma, R Stricker
Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 2009 IEEE Workshop on, 36-41, 2009
TexTraCC: Text extraction using color-based connected component labeling
T Kasar, AG Ramakrishnan, A Dharwadker, A Sharma
TexTraCC: Robust text extraction using nonlinear color smoothing and stroke width
T Kasar, A Dharwadker, A Sharma, AG Ramakrishnan
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