Pedro Paulo Balage Filho
Pedro Paulo Balage Filho
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An evaluation of the Brazilian Portuguese LIWC dictionary for sentiment analysis
P Balage Filho, TAS Pardo, S Aluísio
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language …, 2013
NILC_USP: A Hybrid System for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Messages
PP Balage Filho, TAS Pardo
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM …, 2013
A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese: Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words.
N Hartmann, L Avanço, PP Balage Filho, MS Duran, MDGV Nunes, ...
LREC, 3865-3871, 2014
Summarizing scientific texts: Experiments with extractive summarizers
PP Balage Filho, TAS Pardo, MGV Nunes
Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2007
SUMMA at TAC Knowledge Base Population Task 2016.
P Paikens, G Barzdins, A Mendes, DC Ferreira, S Broscheit, ...
TAC, 2016
NILC_USP: Aspect extraction using semantic labels
P Balage Filho, T Pardo
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2014
Aspect extraction in sentiment analysis for portuguese language
PP Balage Filho
Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2017
The SUMMA platform prototype
R Liepins, U Germann, G Barzdins, A Birch, S Renals, S Weber, ...
15th EACL 2017 Software Demonstrations, 116-119, 2017
A qualitative analysis of a corpus of opinion summaries based on aspects
RL Condori, T Pardo, L Avanço, P Balage Filho, A Bokan, P Cardoso, ...
Proceedings of the 9th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 62-71, 2015
Enriquecendo o corpus CSTNews: a criação de novos sumários multidocumento
MS Dias, AYB Garay, C Chuman, CD Barros, EG Maziero, FAA Nobrega, ...
A graphical user interface for feature-based opinion mining
P Balage Filho, C Brun, G Rondeau
Proceedings of the Demonstration Session at the Conference of the North …, 2012
Experiments on applying a text summarization system for question answering
PP Balage Filho, VR De Uzêda, TAS Pardo, MGV Nunes
Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval: 7th …, 2007
Corpus annotation of textual aspects in multi-document summaries
A Felippo, LHM Rino, TAS Pardo, PCF Cardoso, ERM Seno, ...
New language technologies and linguistic research: a two-way road, 2014
Sumarização automática de textos científicos: Estudo de caso com o sistema gistsumm
PP Balage Filho, TAS Pardo, MGV Nunes
Using a Text Summarization System for Monolingual Question Answering.
PP Balage Filho, VR de Uzêda, TAS Pardo, MGV Nunes, ...
CLEF (Working Notes), 2006
Estruturas textual e multiplicidade de tópicos na sumarização automática:: o caso do sistema GistSumm
PP Balage Filho, VR Uzêda, TAS Pardo, MGV Nunes
SUMMA at TAC Knowledge Base Population Task 2017.
A Mendes, D Nogueira, S Broscheit, F Aleixo, P Balage, R Martins, ...
TAC, 2017
Anotação de sentidos de verbos em textos jornalísticos do corpus CSTNews
MAS Cabezudo, EG Maziero, JW da Cruz Souza, M de Souza Dias, ...
Revista de Estudos da Linguagem 23 (3), 797-832, 2015
Anotação de Aspectos Textuais em Sumários do Córpus CSTNews
AP Rassi, ACI Zacarias, EG Maziero, JWC Souza, MS Dias, MLRC Jorge, ...
Anotação de subtópicos do córpus multidocumento CSTNews
PCF Cardoso, AP Rassi, EG Maziero, FAA Nóbrega, JW Souza, MS Dias, ...
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Articles 1–20