Suzanne R. Tamang
Suzanne R. Tamang
Stanford University School of Medicine
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Potential biases in machine learning algorithms using electronic health record data
MA Gianfrancesco, S Tamang, J Yazdany, G Schmajuk
JAMA internal medicine 178 (11), 1544-1547, 2018
Text mining for adverse drug events: the promise, challenges, and state of the art
R Harpaz, A Callahan, S Tamang, Y Low, D Odgers, S Finlayson, K Jung, ...
Drug safety 37, 777-790, 2014
CUNY TAC-KBP 2010 Entity Linking and Slot Filling System Description
Z Chen, S Tamang, A Lee, X Li, WP Lin, M Snover, J Artiles, M Passantino, ...
Proceedings of the 2010 NIST Text Analysis Conference Workshop, 2010
Predicting patient ‘cost blooms’ in Denmark: a longitudinal population-based study
S Tamang, A Milstein, HT Sørensen, L Pedersen, L Mackey, JR Betterton, ...
BMJ open 7 (1), e011580, 2017
Using natural language processing to construct a metastatic breast cancer cohort from linked cancer registry and electronic medical records data
AY Ling, AW Kurian, JL Caswell-Jin, GW Sledge Jr, NH Shah, ...
JAMIA open 2 (4), 528-537, 2019
Stress disorders and dementia in the Danish population
JL Gradus, E Horváth-Puhó, TL Lash, V Ehrenstein, S Tamang, NE Adler, ...
American journal of epidemiology 188 (3), 493-499, 2019
A machine learning approach to identifying changes in suicidal language
J Pestian, D Santel, M Sorter, U Bayram, B Connolly, T Glauser, ...
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 50 (5), 939-947, 2020
Unstructured clinical notes within the 24 hours since admission predict short, mid & long-term mortality in adult ICU patients
M Mahbub, S Srinivasan, I Danciu, A Peluso, E Begoli, S Tamang, ...
Plos one 17 (1), e0262182, 2022
Detecting Unplanned Care from Clinician Notes in Electronic Health Records
S Tamang, MI Patel, DW Blayney, J Kuznetsov, SG Finlayson, Y Vetteth, ...
Journal of Oncology Practice 11 (3), e313-e319, 2015
Snomed2Vec: Random Walk and Poincar\'e Embeddings of a Clinical Knowledge Base for Healthcare Analytics
K Agarwal, T Eftimov, R Addanki, S Choudhury, S Tamang, R Rallo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.08650, 2019
New paradigms for patient-centered outcomes research in electronic medical records: an example of detecting urinary incontinence following prostatectomy
T Hernandez-Boussard, S Tamang, D Blayney, J Brooks, N Shah
eGEMs 4 (3), 2016
Tackling representation, annotation and classification challenges for temporal knowledge base population
H Ji, T Cassidy, Q Li, S Tamang
Knowledge and Information Systems 41, 611-646, 2014
Enhanced quality measurement event detection: an application to physician reporting
SR Tamang, T Hernandez-Boussard, EG Ross, G Gaskin, MI Patel, ...
eGEMs 5 (1), 2017
Identification of novel, replicable genetic risk loci for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among US military veterans
NA Kimbrel, AE Ashley-Koch, XJ Qin, JH Lindquist, ME Garrett, ...
JAMA psychiatry 80 (2), 135-145, 2023
Variation in health care prices across public and private payers
TL Fronsdal, J Bhattacharya, S Tamang
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
CUNY TAC-KBP 2011 Temporal Slot Filling System Description
J Artiles, Q Li, T Cassidy, S Tamang, H Ji
Proceedings of Text Analysis Conference (TAC), 2011
Failures in complex systems: case studies, causes, and possible remedies
D Kopec, S Tamang
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 39 (2), 180-184, 2007
The emerging fentanyl–xylazine syndemic in the USA: challenges and future directions
DT Zhu, J Friedman, P Bourgois, F Montero, S Tamang
The Lancet 402 (10416), 1949-1952, 2023
Development of a natural language processing system for extracting rheumatoid arthritis outcomes from clinical notes using the national rheumatology informatics system for …
M Humbert‐Droz, Z Izadi, G Schmajuk, M Gianfrancesco, MC Baker, ...
Arthritis Care & Research 75 (3), 608-615, 2023
Top-down and bottom-up: A combined approach to slot filling
Z Chen, S Tamang, A Lee, X Li, M Passantino, H Ji
Information Retrieval Technology: 6th Asia Information Retrieval Societies …, 2010
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Articles 1–20