Diana Torres-Boza
Diana Torres-Boza
Researcher at Center for Studies on Electronic and Information Technologies, Central University of
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Hierarchical sparse coding framework for speech emotion recognition
D Torres-Boza, MC Oveneke, F Wang, D Jiang, W Verhelst, H Sahli
Speech Communication 99, 80-89, 2018
Automatic prosodic analysis to identify mild dementia
E Gonzalez-Moreira, D Torres-Boza, HA Kairuz, C Ferrer, ...
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 916356, 2015
A spoken language database for research on moderate cognitive impairment: design and preliminary analysis
F Espinoza-Cuadros, MA Garcia-Zamora, D Torres-Boza, ...
Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages: Second …, 2014
A concise and structured review of drug-induced toxic hepatic disease
F Sierra, D Torres
Annals of Hepatology 3 (1), 18-25, 2004
Using dynamic time warping of T0 contours in the evaluation of cycle-to-cycle pitch detection algorithms
C Ferrer, D Torres
Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (6), 517-522, 2010
Removing the influence of shimmer in the calculation of harmonics-to-noise ratios using ensemble-averages in voice signals
C Ferrer, E González, ME Hernández-Díaz, D Torres, A Del Toro
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2009, 1-7, 2009
Helicobacter pylori: un dogma que nace
F Serra, D Torres
Med. lab, 425-39, 1997
Infancias afrodescendientes: Una mirada pedagógica y cultural
D Torres, JA Caicedo, E Castillo
Curso de habilitación para agentes educativos de educación inicial modalidad …, 2012
Helicobacter pylori “El holocausto revolucionario”
F Sierra, D Torres
Ediciones Médicas Latinoamericanas SA Bogotá, 25-57, 2001
Pancreatitis Aguda: una propuesta clínica basada en la" mejor" evidencia disponible (primera de 2 partes)
F Sierra, D Torres
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol, 170-180, 1999
Spinal arachnoiditis as a complication of peridural anesthesia
D Torres, E Vecchi, R Leiguarda, D Doctorovich, M Merello, J Guevara, ...
Medicina 53 (5), 391-396, 1993
Prosodic speech analysis to identify mild cognitive impairment
E Gonzalez-Moreira, D Torres-Boza, MA Garcia-Zamora, CA Ferrer, ...
VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná …, 2015
Transplante simultáneo de páncreas y riñón
SH Hyon, D Torres, R Groppa, J Pekolj, C Giudice, L Litwak, P Argibay
Medicina (Buenos Aires) 59, 93, 1999
Effect of different jitter-induced glottal pulse shape changes in periodicity perturbation measures
CA Ferrer, D Torres, E González, JR Calvo, E Castillo
Sixteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2015
Improving dysarthria classification by pattern recognition techniques based on a bionic model
E Gonzalez-Moreira, D Torres, CA Ferrer, Y Ruiz
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2013
The role of likelihood ratio in clinical diagnosis: Applicability in the setting of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
F Sierra, D Torres, A Cárdenas
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 3 (1), 85-89, 2005
Lesiones focales hepáticas
DP Torres, F Sierra A
Revista colombiana de Gastroenterología 18, 129-131, 2003
Eficacia de dos terapias alternativas para la erradicación de Helicobacter pylori
F Sierra, D Torres
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol, 169-75, 1998
Esomeprazole 40 mgs vs. omeprazole 40 mgs in healing erosive aesophagitis (la grades C or D): Double blind randomized clinical trial of superiority and efficacy.
F Sierra, D Torres, O Martinez, J Gorelick
Gastroenterology 128 (4), A61-A61, 2005
Aracnoiditis espinal como complicación de anestesia peridural
D Torres, LB Toselli, E Vecchi, R Leiguarda, D Doctorovich, M Merello, ...
Medicina (B. Aires), 391-6, 1993
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Articles 1–20