Ken-Yi Lee
Cited by
Cited by
Video stabilization using robust feature trajectories
KY Lee, YY Chuang, BY Chen, M Ouhyoung
2009 IEEE 12th international conference on computer vision, 1397-1404, 2009
Capturing Intention‐based Full‐Frame Video Stabilization
BY Chen, KY Lee, WT Huang, JS Lin
Computer Graphics Forum 27 (7), 1805-1814, 2008
Scene warping: Layer-based stereoscopic image resizing
KY Lee, CD Chung, YY Chuang
2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 49-56, 2012
3d cinematography principles and their applications to stereoscopic media processing
CW Liu, TH Huang, MH Chang, KY Lee, CK Liang, YY Chuang
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 253-262, 2011
Real-time triple product relighting using spherical local-frame parameterization
WC Ma, CT Hsiao, KY Lee, YY Chuang, BY Chen
The Visual Computer 22, 682-692, 2006
Developing and evaluating an academic collocations and phrases search engine for academic writers
HJH Chen, SL Lai, KY Lee, CTY Yang
Computer Assisted Language Learning 36 (4), 641-668, 2023
Smart album: photo filtering by effect detections.
MY Yu, Y Liang, KY Lee, BY Chen, M Ouhyoung
SIGGRAPH Posters, 72, 2008
Small-Scale Video-Motion Editing using Confidence-Aware Flow-Based Deformation
LK Huang, KY Lee, YY Chuang
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Articles 1–8