Populārākās publikācijas
h-5 indekss ir h5-indekss rakstiem, kas ir publicēti pilnu pēdējo 5 gadu laikā. Tas ir lielākais h skaitlis, un izsaka to, ka h rakstiem, kas publicēti laika posmā no 2018 līdz 2022, ir katram vismaz h atsauces.slēpt
Publikācijas h5-mediāna ir rakstu atsauču mediānas skaitlis, kas veido h5-indeksu.slēpt
1.Waste Management113152
2.Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering103132
3.Process Safety and Environmental Protection83109
4.Engineering Geology7897
5.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology7796
6.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering7591
7.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering6276
8.Computers and Geotechnics6273
9.Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment5474
10.International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control5265
11.Cold Regions Science and Technology5166
12.Acta Geotechnica5069
13.Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering4974
14.Waste Management & Research4873
15.Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering4762
16.Environmental Technology4758
18.International Journal of Geomechanics4561
19.Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management4456
20.Water Science and Technology4357
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