Populārākās publikācijas
h-5 indekss ir h5-indekss rakstiem, kas ir publicēti pilnu pēdējo 5 gadu laikā. Tas ir lielākais h skaitlis, un izsaka to, ka h rakstiem, kas publicēti laika posmā no 2018 līdz 2022, ir katram vismaz h atsauces.slēpt
Publikācijas h5-mediāna ir rakstu atsauču mediānas skaitlis, kas veido h5-indeksu.slēpt
1.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders89124
2.Child Development82118
3.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry82113
5.Journal of Youth and Adolescence67102
6.European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry64105
7.Developmental Science6487
8.Developmental Psychology6386
9.Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience6088
10.Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology5784
11.Development and Psychopathology5372
12.Journal of Attention Disorders5271
13.Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology5066
14.Child Development Perspectives4776
15.Journal of Experimental Child Psychology4762
16.Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review4466
17.Journal of Research on Adolescence4365
18.Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology4361
19.Early Childhood Development and Care4358
20.Journal of Family Psychology4357
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