Populārākās publikācijas
h-5 indekss ir h5-indekss rakstiem, kas ir publicēti pilnu pēdējo 5 gadu laikā. Tas ir lielākais h skaitlis, un izsaka to, ka h rakstiem, kas publicēti laika posmā no 2018 līdz 2022, ir katram vismaz h atsauces.slēpt
Publikācijas h5-mediāna ir rakstu atsauču mediānas skaitlis, kas veido h5-indeksu.slēpt
1.Child Abuse & Neglect81116
2.Children and Youth Services Review75111
3.Trauma, Violence, & Abuse71109
4.Journal of Interpersonal Violence6381
5.Journal of Child and Family Studies5984
6.Aggression and Violent Behavior5796
7.Health & Social Care in the Community5164
8.Family Process4569
9.Violence Against Women4356
10.Psychology of Violence4269
11.Journal of Family Violence3754
12.International Social Work3752
13.The British Journal of Social Work3649
14.Child & Family Social Work3648
15.Family Relations3454
16.Research on Social Work Practice3449
17.Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment3446
18.European Journal of Social Work3443
19.Clinical Social Work Journal3349
20.Child and Adolescent Mental Health3343
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